District Staff List
You can search for a complete list of the faculty below by using the search box and filters.
Staff Name | Title | Primary Location | |
Abdelhady, Rania | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Abelson, Shari | Teacher | Chapman | |
Abildgaard, Jessica | Teacher | Darcey | |
Acquavita, Amy | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Adams, Tamar | Teacher | Highland | |
Adinolfi, Jane | Tutor | Chapman | |
Agamie, Susan | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Aguirre, Maria | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Ahiskalioglu, Mujgan | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Aitro, Moira | Consultant | Darcey | |
Al Ahmadi, Arwa | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Albert, Megan | Teacher | Dodd | |
Albino, Lori | Teacher | CHS | |
Algilani, Gina | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
Allister, Renee | Teacher | Chapman | |
Allston, Nicole | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Almeida, Joseph | Teacher | Norton | |
Amaral, Vanessa | Substitute Teacher | CHS | |
Amato, Michelle | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Amato, Patricia | LST | Dodd | |
Ambrose, Kimberly | Teacher | Darcey | |
Anders, Jessica | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Humiston | |
Anders, Kurt | Coach | CHS | |
Angilly, Kim | Teacher | CHS | |
Antos, Michael | Building Maintainer | Dodd | |
Antrim, Abbey | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Archambeault, Jami | Teacher | CHS | |
Ardesia, Katherine | Nurse | Norton | |
Aresti, Caitlyn | Teacher | CHS | |
Arndt, Michael | Network Admin | District | |
Arru, Tony | Teacher | CHS | |
Asal, Michael | Counselor | Highland | |
Atnes, Jessica | RAM | Chapman | |
Augusto, Janet | Kelly Building Sub | CHS | |
Aviz, Stephanie | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Bablak, Madelyn | Counselor | Norton | |
Bach, Rose | Psychologist | Dodd | |
Baker, Theresa | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Baker, Timothy | Teacher | Dodd | |
Baldwin, Emily | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Balisciano, Amy | Teacher | CHS | |
Ballschmieder, Emma | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Barberia, Laura | Coach | CHS | |
Barbuto, Heather | Teacher | Highland | |
Barbuto, Lindsey | Secretary | Doolittle | |
Barker, Julie | Teacher | CHS | |
Bass, Duane | Coach | CHS | |
Batool, Sidra | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Bausch, Joan | LST | Doolittle | |
Bavone, Sue | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Bayram, Katrina | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Beauchamp, Jodie | Consultant | Darcey | |
Bell, Gregory | Teacher | CHS | |
Belli, Gabriella | Kelly Building Sub | Norton | |
Bellina, Michele | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Belward, Adam | Teacher | CHS | |
Benas, Marina | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | CHS | |
Berglind, Anastasia | Speech/Language | CHS | |
Berkun, Marsha | Teacher | Dodd | |
Bernabe, Lisa | Teacher | CHS | |
Bernegger, Mary | LST | Highland | |
Bernhardt, Richard | Transportation Driver | District | |
Bertini, Sheila | LST | Highland | |
Betancourt, Adriana | Teacher | CHS | |
Bevins, Rachel | Teacher | CHS | |
Biagetti, Erica | Food Service Director | District | |
Biello, Catherine | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Birden, Megan | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Bishop, Patrick | Teacher | Norton | |
Bishop, Rosemarie | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Bisson, Jonathan | Tutor | District | |
Bjornberg, Kira | Teacher | Norton | |
Blancaflor, Michael | Marching Band | District | |
Block, Lauren | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Blouin, Rosamond | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Blow, LaDonna | Consultant | District | |
Boccia, Andrea | Psychologist | Dodd | |
Booker, Denise | Speech/Language | Highland | |
Borchert, Carolina | Teacher | Highland | |
Bordley, Amber | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Borger, Christina | Teacher | Chapman | |
Borland, Jeffrey | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Boss, Michelle | Counselor | CHS | |
Bottaro, Debbie | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Bouchard, Lisa | Special Education Teacher | Norton | |
Bouwman, Bonnie | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Bowman, Beth | Teacher | Highland | |
Brady, Jenna | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Branco, Artur | Teacher | CHS | |
Brandom, Carlee | Teacher | Dodd | |
Braun, Lori | Secretary | CHS | |
Brennan, Amanda | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Brennan, Elizabeth | Paraeducator | QU Transition Collab | |
Brennan, Janet | Kelly Building Sub | Highland | |
Brinkman, Eric | Teacher | Highland | |
Britton, Carrie | Substitute Nurse | District | |
Britton, Neil | Marching Band | CHS | |
Broadway, Marie | Special Education Supervisor | CHS | |
Brody, Katelynn | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Brousseau, Mark | Technology Supervisor | District | |
Brown, Angelina | Teacher | Chapman | |
Brown, Jo Ann | Speech/Language | Chapman | |
Brown, Miranda | Counselor | CHS | |
Brown, Vernon | Building Maintainer | District | |
Brumleve, Raymond | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Doolittle | |
Bruzik, Mary Ellen | RAM | Doolittle | |
Bryden, Robert | Substitute Teacher | District | |
Brzezinski, Nikolai | Technology Assistant | Norton | |
Buffington, Jennifer | Special Education Teacher | Darcey | |
Bukowski, Karen | Study Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Bulger, Meeghan | Teacher | Highland | |
Bulger, Ryan | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Burke, Leslie | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Dodd | |
Burns, Diana | Principal | Chapman | |
Buzzelli, Gina | Coach | CHS | |
Cabrera, Mary | Teacher | Dodd | |
Cadugan, David | Teacher | CHS | |
Calamo, Laura | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Cale, Joshua | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Cammelletti, Nicole | Teacher | Highland | |
Campbell, Bryan | Teacher | Norton | |
Candelora, Amy | Food Service Worker | Doolittle | |
Cangiano, Kimberly | Operations Assistant | District | |
Cangiano, Sean | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Capristo, Alyssa | Teacher | Chapman | |
Carafeno, Sandra | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Carbone, Anthony | Coach | CHS | |
Carbone, Donna | Teacher | CHS | |
Carbone, Mariza | Teacher | CHS | |
Card, Cindy | Study Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Carey, Robin-Anne | Director of Pupil Personnel Services | District | |
Carey, Scott | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Carlucci, Katharine | Assistant Principal | Norton | |
Caron, Ashley | Teacher | Dodd | |
Carpino, John | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Carrano, Laura | Teacher | Highland | |
Carson, Toni | Teacher | Dodd | |
Caruso, Rachel | Teacher | Highland | |
Cashman, Natalie | Secretary | Highland | |
Cassella, Daniel | Building Maintainer | Doolittle | |
Cassella, Kathleen | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Casso, Jean | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Castellano, Kristin | Teacher | Dodd | |
Castillo-Jimenez, Alexander | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Castle, Patricia | RAM | Highland | |
Catalanotto, Vito | Coach | CHS | |
Catlin, Kathleen | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Cavanaugh, Gretchen | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Chaback, Benjamin | Social Worker | Dodd | |
Chaplik, Brian | Food Service Manager | District | |
Charest, Holly | Secretary | District | |
Chase, Jared | Substitute Teacher | Dodd | |
Chase, Meghan | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Chasen, Susan | Teacher | CHS | |
Cheek, Kristin | Teacher | Norton | |
Chieffo, Francesca | Consultant | Highland | |
Chlodnicki, Greg | Teacher | CHS | |
Chmielewski, Catherine | Psychologist | Darcey | |
Chorney, Taryn | Teacher | CHS | |
Chouinard, Tammy | Teacher | Chapman | |
Christensen, Kim | Teacher | CHS | |
Chueka, Elizabeth | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Cieslewski, Lauren | OT/PT | CHS | |
Cimma, Kelly | Consultant | Darcey | |
Ciotti, Michael | Coach | CHS | |
Cipriano, Francis | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Clark, Karen | Teacher | Darcey | |
Clark, Shelby | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Clark, Stephanie | Transportation Driver | District | |
Clarke, Deborah | Food Service Manager | Dodd | |
Clarke, Rebecca | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Clavet, Richard | Facilities Manager | District | |
Clemens, Jesse | Marching Band | CHS | |
Close, Jill | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Cloutier, Tyler | Intern | CHS | |
Cocchiola, Nancy | Substitute Nurse | District | |
Cochran, Tracy | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Cofrancesco, Andrea | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Coggshall, Sandra | Teacher | Humiston | |
Cohen, Emily | Substitute Teacher | Chapman | |
Colantonio, Gary | Transportation Driver | District | |
Coles, Kyle | Technology Assistant | District | |
Collins, Christine | Teacher | Highland | |
Conley, Lisa | Counselor | Doolittle | |
Connolly, Francis | Teacher | Dodd | |
Connolly, Gabriella | Nurse | District | |
Conrad, Andrea | Teacher | CHS | |
Conway, Jennifer | Food Service Manager | Norton | |
Conway, Scott | District Admin/Teacher | District | |
Corcoran, Tara | Teacher | Highland | |
Corrado, Gina | Teacher | CHS | |
Cortigiano, Melanie | Teacher | Darcey | |
Costanzo, Laura | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Costardo, Joseph | Teacher | CHS | |
Cote, Ryan | Teacher | Dodd | |
Cotton, Eric | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Countryman, Josephine | Teacher | CHS | |
Courto, Kate | Teacher | CHS | |
Covitz, William | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Craft, Elana | Teacher | Highland | |
Crane, Mary | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Crawford, Elizabeth | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Cretella, Heather | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Criscuolo, Lynn | Consultant | District | |
Croce, Elizabeth | Teacher | Highland | |
Crocker, Jessica | Student Teacher | Chapman | |
Cruess, Patrick | Building Maintainer | Dodd | |
Culver, Brittany | RAM | Chapman | |
Cunningham, Nancy | Coach | CHS | |
Curtis, Beth | Teacher | Dodd | |
Curtis, Victoria | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Cyr, Kristen | Secretary | Chapman | |
D'Amato, Derrick | Teacher | Doolittle | |
D'Errico, Kathryn | Teacher | Doolittle | |
D'Errico, Tyler | Coach | CHS | |
DaSilva, Nicholas | Marching Band | CHS | |
Daddio, Rebecca | Teacher | CHS | |
Daigle, Brett | Teacher | CHS | |
Dalke, Marc | Counselor | CHS | |
Daly, Megan | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Daly, Peter | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Darcy, Jennifer | Social Worker | CHS | |
Darroch, Emily | Consultant | Highland | |
Date, Kimberly | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Dautaj, Edit | Building Maintainer | Doolittle | |
Davison, Mark | Coach | CHS | |
DeAngelo, Lindsay | Counselor | CHS | |
DeChello, Jadyn | Intern | Dodd | |
DeChello, Kelly | Secretary | Highland | |
DeFalco, Stephen | Teacher | CHS | |
DeFelice, Megan | Paraeducator | Highland | |
DeFilio, Rachel | Teacher | Doolittle | |
DeGennaro, Laura | LST | CHS | |
DeGroot, Beth | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
DeLucia, Salvatore | Coach | CHS | |
DeMaio, Jennifer | Paraeducator | Highland | |
DeMeo, Dawn | Teacher | CHS | |
DePascale, Carolyn | Paraeducator | Highland | |
DePodesta, Brian | Coach | CHS | |
DeVylder, Rachel | Secretary | District | |
Deangelo, Lesley | Secretary | District | |
Decicco-Grillo, Kelly | Principal | Dodd | |
Decker, Nikolas | Marching Band | CHS | |
DelCore, Laurie | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
DelGiudice, Karen | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
DelRosso, Andrea | Teacher | Highland | |
DelVecchio, Amanda | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Deschesnes, Tiffany | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Dessert, Kimberly | Principal | Darcey | |
Devine, Brendan | Teacher | CHS | |
Devine, Michael | Teacher | CHS | |
Devir, Colleen | Teacher | Chapman | |
DiGioia, Camille | Human Resources | District | |
DiLeonardo, Erica | Paraeducator | Highland | |
DiMaria, Joseph | Paraeducator | Highland | |
DiNallo, Daniel | Building Maintainer | Darcey | |
DiNicola, Deborah | Teacher | Doolittle | |
DiOrio, Christine | Teacher | Doolittle | |
DiSorbo, Kathy | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
DiSorbo, Maureen | Teacher | CHS | |
DiSorbo, Taryn | Teacher | CHS | |
Dichele, Stephanie | Psychologist | Highland | |
Dion, George | Building Maintainer | Highland | |
Distasio, Alexandra | Teacher | Norton | |
Doheny, Amy | Teacher | Highland | |
Donna, Elise | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Dorau, Gloria | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Douglass, Kristen | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Downey, Jennifer | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Doyle, Avery | Consultant | Darcey | |
Dragon, Paige | Intern | CHS | |
Driscoll, Danielle | Substitute Teacher | Chapman | |
Drust, Don | Coach | CHS | |
Drust, Kristine | Coach | CHS | |
Dube, Jennifer | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Ducey, Nicole | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Duenas, Erik | Secretary | CHS | |
Dufour, Christine | Food Service Worker | Chapman | |
Duguay, Robert | Coach | CHS | |
Dunleavy, Keely | Secretary | CHS | |
Dutchyshyn, Jodi | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Dutkiewicz, Catherine | Teacher | Highland | |
Dvarskas, Allen | Teacher | CHS | |
Earley, Michelle | Teacher | Norton | |
Eaton, William | Teacher | CHS | |
Eble, John | Outside Maintainer | District | |
Embacher, Jessica | Transition Coordinator | CHS | |
Endriss, Kristina | Library Media Tech | Norton | |
Erdmann, Kathleen | Substitute Teacher | Norton | |
Ervin, Mikayla | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Esnard, Gemini | Secretary | CHS | |
Esposito, Christina | Teacher | Dodd | |
Faggella, Kevin | Teacher | CHS | |
Falcon, Delia | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
Fanelli, Sandra | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Farrell, Kaitlynn | Teacher | Highland | |
Fekete, Meghan | Teacher | Dodd | |
Felder, Brittney | Psychologist | Chapman | |
Felix, Liliana | Psychologist | CHS | |
Fenaughty, Susan | Teacher | Chapman | |
Ferrer-Ferguson, Jessica | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Ferris, Sean | Coach | CHS | |
Filpo, Maciel | Social Worker | Highland | |
Fiore, Melissa | Library Media Tech | Highland | |
Fitch, Nicholas | Teacher | Dodd | |
Fleming, Jennifer | Counselor | Dodd | |
Flesch, Jessica | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Fletcher, Chris | Teacher | CHS | |
Fletcher, Molly | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Fletcher, Sarah | Food Service Substitute | District | |
Flood, Kelly | Nurse | Darcey | |
Flood, Mary | Library Media Tech | CHS | |
Flower, Ann | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Folger, Karriem | Marching Band | CHS | |
Ford, Rhiannon | Food Service Manager | CHS | |
Forlenza-Druckery, Lisa | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Forsythe, Kenneth | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Fossett, Meagan | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Fournier, Monica | Teacher | Highland | |
Fox, Natalie | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Francisco, Hannah | Intern | Dodd | |
Fredericks, Michele | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Frione, Philip | Coach | CHS | |
Fuller, Abigail | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Funk, Emily | Coach | CHS | |
Fuoco, Sandra | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Furman, Kenneth | Marching Band | CHS | |
Fusari, John | Teacher | Dodd | |
Fusco, John | Building Maintainer | Highland | |
Futoma, Emily | Teacher | Dodd | |
Gabrielle, Marisa | Kelly Building Sub | CHS | |
Gabrielli, Lauren | Psychologist | Doolittle | |
Gaffney, Sharon | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Gagliardi, Mary | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Galvin, Margaret | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Galvin, Timothy | Teacher | CHS | |
Gambardella, Sarah | Teacher | Norton | |
Ganzle, Jack | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Garcia-Davis, Elizabeth | Teacher | CHS | |
Garden, Keely | Teacher | Dodd | |
Gargiulo, Liesl | Support Staff | District | |
Gaudiosi, Taylor | Consultant | QU Transition Collab | |
Georgescu, Meghan | Coach | CHS | |
Gervais, Christine | Teacher | Highland | |
Gholamrezaiee, Marjan | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Giacondino, Amanda | Social Worker | Humiston | |
Giampietro, Jessica | Teacher | Darcey | |
Gibbons, Greg | Support Staff | District | |
Giblin, Elizabeth | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Gilbert, Alicen | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Gilbert, Renee | Nurse | Doolittle | |
Gionfriddo, Arielle | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
Girard, Lisa | Secretary | Norton | |
Giuliano, Kristen | Teacher | Dodd | |
Giusto, Anthony | Coach | CHS | |
Givens, Nick | Consultant | QU Transition Collab | |
Glynn, Kimberly | Teacher | Highland | |
Golden, Victoria | Teacher | Dodd | |
Goldman, Jennifer | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Goldstein, Tanya | LST | Doolittle | |
Gomez, Nathalie | Student Teacher | Doolittle | |
Goncalves, Cristina | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Gonzalez, Jessica | Food Service Worker | Dodd | |
Gooding, Kelly | Teacher | Highland | |
Goodwin, Donna Lee | Teacher | Dodd | |
Gore, Brianna | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Gore, Richard | Teacher | Highland | |
Gozzi, Emily | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Grabowski, Kimberly | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Highland | |
Graichen, Angela | Secretary | District | |
Granatelli, Brunella | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Grant, Karen | Teacher | Darcey | |
Grant, Lindsay | Teacher | Highland | |
Gravens, April | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Gray, Tami | Secretary | District | |
Greenleaf, Catherine | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Grego, Michael | Teacher | Chapman | |
Grenier, Scott | Coach | CHS | |
Griffin, Nicole | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Griffith, Michele | OT/PT | Highland | |
Griffiths, Erin | Teacher | CHS | |
Gronbach, Kara | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Grosso, Shanon | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Guarino, Dawn | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Guerin, Jennifer | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Guida, Matt | Teacher | CHS | |
Guinipero, Ann | Teacher | Highland | |
Gulielmetti, Angela | Teacher | CHS | |
Gunneson, Kelly | Coach | CHS | |
Gunneson, Pam | Teacher | Dodd | |
Haase, Kristin | Teacher | CHS | |
Habegger, Karen | Assistant Principal | Highland | |
Hall, Courtney | Teacher | Highland | |
Hall, Matthew | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Hall, Matthew S | Coach | CHS | |
Hally, Gina | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Hamel, Jacqueline | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Hammer, Jack | Teacher | CHS | |
Hammond, Alyssa | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Hammond, Susan | Secretary | District | |
Hanlon, Kevin | Curriculum Coordinator | CHS | |
Hanson, Alicia | Teacher | Chapman | |
Hanson, Kira | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Hanson, Timothy | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Harasta, Anna | Teacher | CHS | |
Harger, Leah | Counselor | Highland | |
Harkins, Margaret | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Harms, Austin | Intern | Highland | |
Harris, Teresa | Transportation Driver | District | |
Hart, Andrew | Coach | CHS | |
Hart, Devon | Teacher | Norton | |
Hart, Jenna | Teacher | Highland | |
Hart, Laurie | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Hart, Timothy | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Hartman, Lisa | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Harvey, Esther | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Haskell, Courtney | Teacher | Highland | |
Hauser, Fran | Teacher | Norton | |
Haxhillari, Javy | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Hedden, Barbara | Coach | CHS | |
Heffernan, Amy | Teacher | Dodd | |
Helenski, James | Teacher | Darcey | |
Henn, Wendy | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Herd, Maureen | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Hernandez, Giuliana | Student Teacher | CHS | |
Hernandez, Julio | Intern | CHS | |
Hershman, Tracy | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Hightower, Shanek | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Hinckley, Russ | Special Education Teacher | QU Transition Collab | |
Hitchcock, Cynthia | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Hmelovsky, Krista | Technology Assistant | District | |
Hoag, Kathleen | Teacher | CHS | |
Hobson, Mia | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Hoffner, Natasha | Teacher | Norton | |
Holland, Kathleen | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Hollander, Debbie | Teacher | Highland | |
Holm, Lori | Teacher | District | |
Houle, Sarah | Teacher | Norton | |
Huff, Jennifer | Teacher | Darcey | |
Huleatt, Sarah | Social Worker | CHS | |
Hummel, Kathryn | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Hunter, David | Teacher | CHS | |
Huntley, Kathleen | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Hurley, Samantha | Secretary | CHS | |
Hyde, Katelyn | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Iovene, Katherine | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Istas, Jennifer | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Chapman | |
Izzi, Linda | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Jackson, Cynthia | OT/PT | Darcey | |
Jain, Jaya | Paraeducator | Norton | |
James, Gregson | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Cheshire Comm Life | |
Jasman, Robin | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Jauchler, Elizabeth | Technology Assistant | District | |
Jefferis, Loretta | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Jeffrey, Scott | Principal | Highland | |
Jermine, Meredith | Teacher | Chapman | |
Jesensky, Carol | Secretary | District | |
Joaquim, Sharyn | Secretary | District | |
Johnson, Carol | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Johnson, Karen | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Johnston, Megan | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Jones, Marlon | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Juliano, Michael | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Kahn, Michael | Resource Officer | District | |
Kalach, Jaymie | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Kalat, Amanda | Teacher | Highland | |
Kandil, Inas | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Kane, Anthony | Teacher | Chapman | |
Kassegnin, Aretha | Data Specialist | District | |
Kaszas, Aaron | Coach | CHS | |
Kauhl, Diane | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Kaur, Khushbir | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Kearney, Katie | Teacher | Dodd | |
Keeley, Samantha | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Kelleher, Nicole | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Kelly, Michael | Teacher | CHS | |
Kelly, Natalie | Teacher | Dodd | |
Kelly, Rachel | Secretary | Highland | |
Kennedy, Aiden | Student Teacher | CHS | |
Kennedy, Roger | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Kenning, Katherine | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Ketwaroo, Budhan | Teacher | CHS | |
Kirby, Brian David | Teacher | CHS | |
Kirsch, Kristin | LST | Highland | |
Kiryanova, Elizaveta | Coach | CHS | |
Kissane, Allison | Teacher | Norton | |
Kliegl, Nicole | Teacher | CHS | |
Knapp, Courtney | Speech/Language | Darcey | |
Knott, Virginia | Teacher | CHS | |
Knotts, Heather | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Kochanowicz, Cristin | Teacher | CHS | |
Kochiss, Michelle | Teacher | CHS | |
Kores, Tanya | Teacher | CHS | |
Kornacki, Lori | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Kosciuk, Jessica | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Kosior, Regina | Psychologist | CHS | |
Koukias, Christos | Intern | CHS | |
Kozacek, Shelly | Substitute Secretary | Humiston | |
Krieg-Beling, Jennifer | Special Education Teacher | Humiston | |
Krisavage, Nicole | Teacher | Norton | |
Krishnan, Sulabha | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Kristiansen, Sarah | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Krokosky, Megan | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Krutz, Hannah | Intern | Dodd | |
Krutz, Joseph | Teacher | CHS | |
Kumar, Sunitha | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Dodd | |
Kumm, Michelle | Teacher | Highland | |
Kuncas, Stephanie | Teacher | Highland | |
LaDore, Kara | Teacher | Norton | |
LaTorraca, Karen | Secretary | District | |
Labickas, Erica | Assistant Principal | Highland | |
Lach, Angela | Human Resources | District | |
Laden, Stephen | Teacher | Dodd | |
Laham, Jacob | Marching Band | CHS | |
Landisio, Susan | Special Education Teacher | District | |
Landro, Laura | Teacher | CHS | |
Larson, Patricia | Special Education Teacher | Cheshire Comm Life | |
Lathrop, William | Teacher | CHS | |
Latorre, Kristyn | BCBA | Darcey | |
Lawlor, Julia | Teacher | Chapman | |
LeBrun, Theresa | Substitute Teacher | CHS | |
LeClaire, Lynn | Substitute Teacher | Dodd | |
LeFevre, Alexander | Coach | CHS | |
LePage, Denise | Teacher | Highland | |
Leavenworth, Matthew | Special Education Teacher | Humiston | |
Leavitt, Megan | Secretary | CHS | |
Leavitt, Michelle | Secretary | Norton | |
Leclair, Alyssa | Counselor | CHS | |
Lee, Dan | Teacher | CHS | |
Lee, Karen | Food Service Worker | Norton | |
Lee, Trinidad | Library Media Tech | Darcey | |
Lefebvre, Sarah | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Lena, Elizabeth | Teacher | Highland | |
Lennon, Alison | Secretary | Humiston | |
Lennon, Chrystal | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Lentini, Kristin | LST | Highland | |
Lepensky, Grace | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Letourneau, Kyle | Coach | CHS | |
Lewoc, Thomas | Teacher | CHS | |
Libengood, Scott | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Liebler, Nancy | Substitute Secretary | District | |
Lindberg, Kaitlyn | Intern | Doolittle | |
Llado, Mayra | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Llulla, Ermira | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
LoGiudice, Frank | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Lochowski, Kathleen | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Lockery, Cherylyn | LST | Chapman | |
Loiselle, Donna | Secretary | CHS | |
Lombardo, Emily | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Lonicki, Jennifer | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Loomis, Shana | Kelly Building Sub | Doolittle | |
Lopa, Kristin | Assistant Principal | Doolittle | |
Lopes, Liliana | Teacher | CHS | |
Lopez Smith, Stephanie | Teacher | Highland | |
Lopez, Amanda | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Lopez, Brian | Teacher | Dodd | |
Lopez, Elvira | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Lopez, Joanne | Kelly Building Sub | Chapman | |
Lopez, Stacey | Teacher | Highland | |
Lotto, Alyssa | Speech/Language | Darcey | |
Lougee, Michael | Teacher | CHS | |
Loughlin, Olivia | Special Education Teacher | Norton | |
Luis, Nelia | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Lyon, Michael | Teacher | Highland | |
Lyons, Jessica | Marching Band | CHS | |
Machnik, Kaitlyn | Food Service Worker | Chapman | |
Magarin, Rose | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Magzag, Martin | Coach | CHS | |
Mahon, Meghan | Teacher | Dodd | |
Mahoney, Kelly | Teacher | Dodd | |
Majeski, Colin | Paraeducator | QU Transition Collab | |
Majeski, Karen | OT/PT | QU Transition Collab | |
Mancini, Diane | Teacher | Chapman | |
Mangiaracina-Mathews, Brie | Teacher | CHS | |
Manke, Debrah | LST | Dodd | |
Mankus, Eileen | Food Service Manager | CHS | |
Mann, Loren | Library Media Tech | Dodd | |
Manning, Melissa | Teacher | CHS | |
Manning, Thomas | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Manzo, Paulette | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Marak, Cathy | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Maratta, Theresa | Speech/Language | Dodd | |
Marchand, Dawn | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Margary, Irene | Teacher | CHS | |
Maringola, Jennifer | Teacher | Highland | |
Marini, Wendee | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Marrero, Coral | Speech/Language | Doolittle | |
Martins, Danny | Teacher | Dodd | |
Martone, Jacqueline | LST | Norton | |
Masciana, Vincent | Chief Operating Officer | District | |
Mascolo, Martha | Food Service Worker | Doolittle | |
Massaro, Melissa | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Matteis, Lori | Teacher | CHS | |
Maurice, Lorraine | Transportation Aide | District | |
Mavani, Madhvi | Paraeducator | Highland | |
May, David | Coach | CHS | |
May, Logan | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
McAlley, Christopher | Intern | CHS | |
McAulay, Tracey | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Highland | |
McBride, Lee | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
McCarney, Amanda | Teacher | Doolittle | |
McCarthy, Madyson | Social Worker | CHS | |
McCormack-Veno, Keara | Teacher | Highland | |
McDonald, Bonnie | Counselor | CHS | |
McElravy, Carolyn | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Norton | |
McElroy, Heather | Special Education Teacher | Norton | |
McGrimley, Sara | Teacher | CHS | |
McIntosh, Kylee | Special Education Teacher | Chapman | |
McKenzie, Victoria | Intern | CHS | |
McMahon, Kyle | Coach | CHS | |
McMahon, Melanie | Food Service Worker | District | |
McQuade, Corey | Network Admin | District | |
Mears, Tammy | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Meier, Caitlin | Intern | Doolittle | |
Meier, Michael | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Mendis, Asangi | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Meneo, Jordan | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Merola, Graciela | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Messina, Steven | Outside Maintainer | District | |
Mezzi, Kyle | Coach | CHS | |
Middlesworth, Keith | Kelly Building Sub | CHS | |
Mik, Sarah | Teacher | CHS | |
Miller, Luther | Transportation Coordinator | District | |
Miller, Staci | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Miller, Valerie | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Mily, Yasmin | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Mirisola, Melissa | Teacher | Highland | |
Missal, Pam | Teacher | CHS | |
Mita, Lynn | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Molinari, Lane | Food Service Worker | Dodd | |
Mollica, Jared | Intern | Dodd | |
Monllos, Judith | Teacher | Highland | |
Monti, Jeanne | RAM | Norton | |
Mooney, Lauren | Teacher | Highland | |
Moore, Bethany | Transportation Driver | District | |
Morales, Bernice | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Morrisroe, Gina | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Morton, Roseann | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Moyer, Jenna | Counselor | CHS | |
Moyer, Keith | Teacher | CHS | |
Mroz, Catherine | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Cheshire Comm Life | |
Mulla, Arjana | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Mullally, Maria | Teacher | Dodd | |
Mullen, Jenna | Substitute Teacher | District | |
Mundo, Lisa | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Munroe, Tanner | Teacher | Chapman | |
Murphy, Bridgette | Teacher | Norton | |
Murphy, Ryan | Assistant Principal | Dodd | |
Murphy, Susan | Secretary | CHS | |
Myhrer, Jacqueline | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Naccarato, Mary | Support Staff | District | |
Nadeau, Deb | Secretary | Highland | |
Naja, Samantha | Teacher | Norton | |
Nanavati, Rupal | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Nangole, Upendo | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Naramore, Richard | Coach | CHS | |
Naramore, Susan | Study Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Nealy, Allen | Outside Maintainer | District | |
Negron, Alexis | Speech/Language | Norton | |
Nelson, Amy | Special Education Teacher | Norton | |
Nelson, Sheena | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Nghiem, Diu | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Nguyen, Thanh | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Niebling, Tracy | Food Service Manager | Chapman | |
Nieroda, Rhianna | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Nieves, Barbara | Consultant | District | |
Nigam, Peggy | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Niglio, Anthony | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Notaro, Kelly | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Notti, Donna Q | Special Education Teacher | Darcey | |
Nowicki, Jessica | Library Media Tech | Chapman | |
Noyes, Kristina | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Nugent, Timothy | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Nunes, Philip | Teacher | Dodd | |
Nusinov, Erica | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
O'Brien, Amy | Principal | Doolittle | |
O'Connor, Starr | LST | Doolittle | |
O'Day, Nathaniel | Teacher | Dodd | |
O'Dea, Cheryl | Nurse | Doolittle | |
O'Donnell, Allison | Teacher | Highland | |
O'Loughlin, Natasha | Transportation Driver | District | |
O'Neill, Brianna | Teacher | Highland | |
O'Neill, Jerry | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
O'Reardon, Edward | Transportation Driver | District | |
Ocone, Tina | Teacher | CHS | |
Oeschger, Adrienne | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Oh, Hyemin | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Oldakowski, Antoinette | Kelly Building Sub | Doolittle | |
Olexovitch, John | Teacher | CHS | |
Olsson, Jennifer | Counselor | Doolittle | |
Olszewski, Paul | Transportation Driver | District | |
Onofreo, Kristina | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Oparowski, Kathryn | Teacher | CHS | |
Orsi, Christina | Psychologist | Highland | |
Orwick, Elizabeth | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Oshana, Katherine | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Ossowski, Sarah | Social Worker | Darcey | |
Otis, Jennifer | Teacher | Highland | |
Ovalle Mendoza, Emily | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Ovalle, Yennifer | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Owens, Zachary | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Ozen, Nevriye | Secretary | District | |
Padua, Joseph | Outside Maintenance Foreman | District | |
Pagliaro, Christopher | Coach | CHS | |
Pagliarulo, Rachel | Teacher | Norton | |
Paier, Leslie | Teacher | CHS | |
Palermo, Alana | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Palma, Laura | LST | Highland | |
Pandolfi, Julia | Intern | Dodd | |
Papa, Mike | Manager of Technology Services | District | |
Paradis, Kylie | Teacher | Chapman | |
Parmelee, Jennifer | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Parolise, Amanda | OT/PT | Highland | |
Parys, Leslie | Secretary | District | |
Pasha, Shagufta | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Passaro, Philip | Teacher | Norton | |
Patel, Sejal | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Pattin, Lisa | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Paul, Ella | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Peacock, Mary Beth | Human Resources | District | |
Pechmann, Priscilla | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Peck, Kerri | OT/PT | CHS | |
Pecora, Quincy | Coach | CHS | |
Pedersen, Donna | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | CHS | |
Peel, Sharon | Secretary | Dodd | |
Pelletier, Corinne | Teacher | CHS | |
Pelz, Kristin | Assistant Principal | CHS | |
Perno, Geraldine | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Perosino, Jennifer | Nurse | Highland | |
Perosino, John | Athletic Director | CHS | |
Perreault, Kimberley | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Perry, Colleen | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Pesce, Beth | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Petro-Roy, Patty | Study Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Piazza, Michelle | Counselor | CHS | |
Pichnarcik, Drew | Teacher | CHS | |
Piekarski, Eric | Building Maintainer Lead Person | CHS | |
Pilch, James | Teacher | CHS | |
Piper, Rachel | Teacher | Norton | |
Piscitelli, Catherine | Teacher | CHS | |
Pizzi, Mark | Teacher | CHS | |
Pizzo, Jennifer | OT/PT | Norton | |
Planeta, Matt | Teacher | Dodd | |
Plant, Kaitlyn | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Poeltl, Jenna | Teacher | Dodd | |
Poincelot, Jacob | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Ponzio, Melanie | Speech/Language | Highland | |
Potter, Richard | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Powers, Mary | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Powers, Sharon | Tutor | CHS | |
Prezioso, Ann Marie | Nurse | Chapman | |
Pritchard, Marianne | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | CHS | |
Proffitt, Jennifer | BCBA | Highland | |
Proffitt, Stephen | Consultant | Highland | |
Pruitt, Nina | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Prybyla, Maxym | Kelly Building Sub | Dodd | |
Puckett, Jillian | Teacher | Norton | |
Pugliese, Theresa | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Puhalla, Sharon | Coach | CHS | |
Pulisciano, Rich | Teacher | CHS | |
Pulling, Alana | Special Education Teacher | Chapman | |
Purtill, Natalie | Intern | Highland | |
Quinn, Robert | Building Maintainer | District | |
Raccio, Anthony | Teacher | Dodd | |
Rafferty, Kaihley | Coach | CHS | |
Rahe, Mary | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Rahn, Michael | Teacher | Dodd | |
Rajan, Masum | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Ranalli, Kelly Copperthite | Athletic Trainer | CHS | |
Ranciato, Alison | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Randazzo, Peter | Coach | CHS | |
Ranfone, Rachel | Substitute Teacher | Norton | |
Raposo, Joseph | Student Teacher | CHS | |
Rayball, Kristen | Teacher | Norton | |
Redford, John | Teacher | CHS | |
Redford, Sarah | Teacher | CHS | |
Reed, Maureen | Assistant Principal | CHS | |
Regan, Diane | Special Education Teacher | Chapman | |
Remillard, Linda | Nurse | Dodd | |
Repko, Michele | Teacher | Darcey | |
Reza, Rawshan | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Norton | |
Rezette, Sabine | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Ribas, Domingos | Building Maintainer | Dodd | |
Ribeiro, Jenna | Speech/Language | Highland | |
Rigali, Garrett | Teacher | Chapman | |
Rinaldi, Carolina | Psychologist | Norton | |
Rinaldi, Kayla | Teacher | Chapman | |
Rinaldi, Lisa | Substitute Nurse | District | |
Rinaldi, Michelle | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Rinaldi, Nicole | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Rinaldi, Stephanie | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Rivera, Oscar | Resource Officer | District | |
Rivers, Matthew | Building Maintainer | Highland | |
Roberts, Marney | Teacher | Darcey | |
Robidoux, Christine | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Robinson, Susan | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Roden, Jodie | Principal | Norton | |
Rodrigues, Luiza | Paraeducator | Cheshire Comm Life | |
Rogers, Elizabeth | Food Service Substitute | District | |
Rogozinski, Carla | Teacher | CHS | |
Rohon, Allison | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Rohon, Jillian | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Rohon, Mallory | Substitute Lunchroom/Playground Aide | District | |
Roke, Cydney | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Norton | |
Rossi, Nicholas | Intern | CHS | |
Roth, Antoinette | LST | Highland | |
Rothbart, Eric | Coach | CHS | |
Rowe, Roger | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Rowold, Tricia | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Rubino, Rachel | Marching Band | CHS | |
Runte, John | Teacher | Dodd | |
Russell, Amy | Teacher | CHS | |
Russo, Rosemary | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Rynne, Jennifer | Marching Band | CHS | |
Salerno, Robert | Teacher | Dodd | |
Salerno, Russell | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Salvati, Catherine | Teacher | Highland | |
Salvemini, Bethany | Coach | CHS | |
SanAngelo, Lisa | Special Education Teacher | Humiston | |
Sandoval, Victor | Custodial Supervisor | District | |
Santi, Heather | Secretary | District | |
Santiago, Michelle | Food Service Worker | Darcey | |
Santos, Sharon | Teacher | Dodd | |
Saraceni, Christa | Psychologist | CHS | |
Sarlo, Cindy | Teacher | CHS | |
Sarracini, Brandi | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Sasso, Theresa | Secretary | CHS | |
Saturno, Tina | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Scadden-Ruszczyk, Holly | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Schaefer, Robert | Coach | District | |
Schaller, Lindsey | Teacher | Highland | |
Schmidt, Hilda | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Dodd | |
Schmidt, Jodie | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Schult, Beth | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Schultz, Molly | Counselor | Chapman | |
Schumacher, Lorraine | Social Worker | Dodd | |
Schwall, Jacob | Student Teacher | CHS | |
Scialabba, Denise | Teacher | Highland | |
Scully, Kathleen | Counselor | Norton | |
Seymour, Laurie | Secretary | Dodd | |
Shadeck, Joanna | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Shakeel, Syeda | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Shanley, Kristen | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | Dodd | |
Shaw, Rebecca | Secretary | CHS | |
Sherwood, Christina | Special Education Supervisor | Highland | |
Shirk, Renee | Teacher | CHS | |
Shramek, David | Building Maintainer | Chapman | |
Sicignano, Rachel | Substitute Nurse | District | |
Signor, Alexys | Intern | Dodd | |
Silano, Marlene | Assistant Superintendent | District | |
Skibicki, Stephen | Teacher | Norton | |
Skrzyniarz, Holly | Teacher | CHS | |
Slocum, Mary Jane | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Smeriglio, Sara | Intern | Highland | |
Smith, Amy | Teacher | Dodd | |
Smith, Linda | Food Service Manager | Doolittle | |
Smith, Sarah | Substitute Teacher | Norton | |
Smith, Tommy | Marching Band | CHS | |
Smolenski, Jennifer | Teacher | Highland | |
Snell, Alexandra | Secretary | Darcey | |
Snell, Andrew | Maintenance Substitute | District | |
Snell, Terry | Building Maintainer | CHS | |
Snyder, Erin | Marching Band | CHS | |
Solan, Jeff | Superintendent | District | |
Solimine, Michael | Video Technician | District | |
Solis, Christina | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Spencer, Jessica | Teacher | Highland | |
Speranzo, Nicole | Counselor | CHS | |
Spiteri, Elizabeth | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Squire, Susan | Teacher | Chapman | |
St. Jernquist, Jillian | Teacher | Dodd | |
St. John, Andrew | Teacher | CHS | |
Stanley, Shaina | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
Stanton, Nancy | Nurse | CHS | |
Starziski, Allison | Secretary | District | |
Staszewski, Stephanie | Teacher | Norton | |
Steinway, Andrew | Teacher | Highland | |
Stevens, Alyssa | Coach | CHS | |
Stevens, Cynthia | Study Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Stopper, Carly | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Storrs, Robin | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Strahowski, Lauren | Paraeducator | Highland | |
Stratton, Mary B | Teacher | Highland | |
Stubbs, Alexandra | Teacher | Highland | |
Styles, Barbara | Substitute Nurse | Highland | |
Sullivan, Maribeth | Intern | Doolittle | |
Sullivan, Victoria | Substitute Teacher | Norton | |
Sulollari, Albana | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Suzuki, Phoebe | Teacher | Highland | |
Swanson, Matt | Teacher | CHS | |
Sweeney, Marian | Teacher | Highland | |
Sweigard, Beth | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Sweyd, Angela | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Symecko, Jill | Secretary | Dodd | |
Tabazh, Ola | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Tabor, Kimberly | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Tafuto, Denise | Counselor | Doolittle | |
Taigen, Laura | Teacher | Highland | |
Taillon, Lynn | Teacher | CHS | |
Tammaro, Daniel | Coach | CHS | |
Tariq, Afshan | Food Service Substitute | District | |
Tartarelli, Daniel | Assistant Principal | CHS | |
Tavano, Marion | Transportation Aide | District | |
Taylor, Deborah | Special Education Teacher | QU Transition Collab | |
Taylor, Emily | Assistant Chief Operating Officer | District | |
Telese, Karen | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Telesha, Amanda | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Highland | |
Tellers, Jake | Coach | CHS | |
Theriault, Shelli | Teacher | Dodd | |
Thompson, Andrea | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Thurlow, Jane | Transportation Aide | District | |
Tiedemann, Michael | Coach | CHS | |
Tooker, Sheryl | Transportation Driver | District | |
Tooker, William | Transportation Driver | District | |
Torrence, Sarah | Teacher | Dodd | |
Torres, Jenny | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Torres, Michelle | OT/PT | Darcey | |
Torres, Stephanie | Paraeducator | Norton | |
Toth, Patricia | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Tracey, Iline | Consultant | District | |
Tran, Dalena | Kelly Building Sub | Dodd | |
Trentacosta, Melinda | Secretary | Darcey | |
Tresselt, Jessica | Counselor | Dodd | |
Trifone, Julie | Teacher | CHS | |
Trifone, Kristine | RAM | Highland | |
Troiano, Zobbeida | Hall Monitor | CHS | |
Tsekhansky, Alexander | Coach | CHS | |
Tuscano, Laura | Paraeducator | Chapman | |
Tuscano, Thomas | Teacher | Dodd | |
Twohill, Jennifer | OT/PT | Darcey | |
Tyrrel, Pamela | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Ugrin, Samantha | LST | Highland | |
Urbani, Amanda | Teacher | Highland | |
Vaivoda-Odle, Danielle | Special Education Teacher | Doolittle | |
Valenti, Joshua | Building Maintainer | Norton | |
Valenti, Sandra | Secretary | Doolittle | |
Valentin, Sasha | Food Service Worker | Chapman | |
Varanelli, Britta | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Veilleux, Justin | Kelly Building Sub | Dodd | |
Veilleux, Kristina | Paraeducator | Doolittle | |
Velardi, Tiffany | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Veleber, Douglas | Food Service Worker | Dodd | |
Veleber, Melissa | Secretary | Dodd | |
Velez, Zoe | Teacher | CHS | |
Vellucci, Cathy | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Ventura, Tessa | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Veres, Joseph | Paraeducator | Dodd | |
Vicario, James | Teacher | CHS | |
Vieira, Michelle | Teacher | Dodd | |
Villano, Amy | Special Education Teacher | Highland | |
Vitello, Kaitlyn | Teacher | Chapman | |
Vitello, Matthew | Outside Maintainer | Chapman | |
Volpe, Jennifer | BCBA | CHS | |
Volpe, Jessica | Teacher | Highland | |
Volpe, Rebecca | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Volpert, Joshua | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Von Fischer, Heather | Coach | CHS | |
Von Fischer, Scott | Coach | CHS | |
Von Tobel, Debra | Food Service Substitute | District | |
Voong, Phong | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Doolittle | |
Wailonis, Donald | Assistant Principal | Highland | |
Waitkus, Sandy | Secretary | CHS | |
Wall, Lisa | Technology Assistant | District | |
Walton, Ellen | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Warburton, Dan | Teacher | CHS | |
Warburton, Gina | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Warner, Gabriella | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Wasser, Marla | LST | Highland | |
Watson, Russell | Marching Band | CHS | |
Way, Jennifer | Intern | Dodd | |
Webb, Cheryl | Food Service Worker | Highland | |
Webb, Gerald | Teacher | Highland | |
Wehrly, Barbara | Special Education Teacher | District | |
Wellspeak, Ann | Library Media Specialist/Teacher | CHS | |
West, Jessica | Teacher | Norton | |
Weston, Kathleen | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Weyrauch, Amanda | Teacher | Chapman | |
Weyrauch, Natalie | Nurse | CHS | |
Wilde, Elizabeth | Teacher | Dodd | |
Wildermann, Ian | Teacher | CHS | |
Williams, Ajiana | Student Teacher | CHS | |
Williams, Devyn | Paraeducator | Darcey | |
Williams, John | Coach | CHS | |
Williams, Lauren | Special Education Teacher | CHS | |
Williams, Shaniyah | Special Education Teacher | Dodd | |
Williams, Tavonne | Kelly Building Sub | Highland | |
Wilson, Kathy | LST | Chapman | |
Wilson, Kenneth | Transportation Driver | District | |
Wilson, Leroy | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Wilson, Myasha | ABA/DTI Paraeducator | Highland | |
Wintenburg, Anne Marie | RAM | Highland | |
Wojtczak, Julia | Food Service Worker | CHS | |
Woodbury, Terry | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Dodd | |
Woodin, Erin | Teacher | CHS | |
Woodson, Deborah | OT/PT | Doolittle | |
Worsham, Michelle | Lunchroom/Playground Aide | Chapman | |
Wygant, Nicole | Secretary | Chapman | |
Wynkoop, Moriah | Teacher | Highland | |
Wynne, Michelle | Secretary | CHS | |
Yager, MaryBeth | Substitute Teacher | Highland | |
Yager, Megan | Teacher | CHS | |
Yirigian, Rachel | Psychologist | Doolittle | |
Yopp, Giavanna | Secretary | District | |
Youman, Elizabeth | Teacher | CHS | |
Zacharias, Peter | Coach | CHS | |
Zajac, Emily | Teacher | Doolittle | |
Zambrano, Diane | Food Service Substitute | District | |
Zanca, Liza | Speech/Language | Highland | |
Zapatka, Paul | Paraeducator | CHS | |
Zebarth, Jenn | Teacher | Highland | |
Zimnoch, Rebekah | Secretary | CHS | |
Zmuda, Angela | Teacher | Dodd | |
Zukis, Katherine | Teacher | Norton | |
Zumbo, Alexandra | Intern | Norton |