
Transportation Staff

Welcome to the Cheshire Public Schools Transportation Page

The Board of Education Transportation Office is the liaison between schools, parents, and the bus company contracted to provide bus service for eligible Cheshire students to their assigned schools.  This office oversees the transportation of over 4,500 students on school buses, mini school buses, and student transport vehicles within Cheshire and to schools and facilities outside of Cheshire.

Our primary objective is to provide safe, efficient, and economical bus transportation for the students of Cheshire. 

You can help us meet this objective by helping your child understand and adhere to the Bus Rules and Regulations and School Bus Danger Zones.

Transportation Eligibility

Cheshire Public Schools follows the guidelines of the Connecticut State Department of Education which requires transportation be provided to any school-age resident attending a Cheshire public or parochial school.  Eligibility for busing is determined by the following standards:

  • Students who are in kindergarten shall not be required to walk farther than one-half (1/2) mile to school or to the bus stop.
  • Students who are in Grades 1 through 6 shall not be required to walk farther than one (1) mile to school or to the bus stop.
  • Students who are in Grades 7 through 12 shall not be required to walk farther than one and one-half (1 1/2) miles to school or to the bus stop.

Busing information, including a child’s bus number, bus stop location, and pick-up time, can be accessed at any time by logging into PowerSchool.

District Map is available for an overall picture of the district divisions.

An alphabetical Street Listing of Cheshire streets and the school district to which they are assigned is available. It identifies the corresponding busing or walking designation for each street for your reference

Any parent or guardian who wishes to appeal transportation arrangements or request alternate transportation can refer to the links below

Any other student transportation issues can be directed to the Cheshire Public Schools’ Transportation Office at (203) 272-2472.

Transportation Forms:

Opt-Out Form Accommodation Petition Available Seat Petition YMCA Available Seat Petition