Summer Reading

Summer provides a wonderful opportunity for students and families to enjoy great books together! The goal of The Dodd Middle School Summer Reading Program is to foster a love of reading. Reading over the summer can also help students to maintain, or even improve their reading skills. In order to meet the needs of each student’s reading skills and interests, the Dodd summer reading list contains a variety of genres at various reading levels. Students are encouraged to read two books that match their level of comprehension and interest. 

A wide range of topics and themes are represented in this Summer Reading List. As always, parents play a critical role in helping their children to choose books that are best suited for them. Common Sense Media is an excellent resource for families to help them understand the nature of the content in the novels that their children are reading.  In addition, titles on the Summer Reading List that contain content appropriate for more mature readers are noted with a ***. 

For the first book choice:

As a part of a school-wide literacy initiative, the Dodd Middle School teachers have selected novels for the All School Summer Reading Book Club. These novels are included in the Summer Reading List.  All students are encouraged to read at least one novel from this list. In the fall, we will hold these All School Summer Reading Book Clubs, where students will gather together with a teacher and engage in related activities.  Students will make book selections in their ELA classes before the end of the school year, so please be sure to discuss the choices with your child in the upcoming weeks. Students are encouraged to come to the meeting with a quote or important passage from their reading to share at the discussion.  Parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with any book choice that may contain a *** as these selections contain content appropriate for more mature readers. 

For the second book choice:

This book is a free choice book, but the Nutmeg award lists offer some great suggestions if students are unsure. Nutmeg Middle School Award List, Nutmeg Intermediate Award List, or Nutmeg High School List. After reading a second book, students should complete a One Pager (instructions included here) on their book to showcase their learning.  

Summer reading books should be selected according to interest and independent reading ability. If your child is struggling with a book, please consider trying another text that more comfortably fits his or her independent reading level. If your child is having difficulty finding an appropriate selection, please contact Kristen Shanley () or Kristin Castellano () and further accommodations may be discussed. 

view summer reading list